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Adaptive Vendor
The Adaptive Vendor sells cosmetic adaptable modifiable armor at very low credits prices. The Adaptive Vendor can be found in the supplies section of the fleet. Imperial outfits can be found on the Imperial Fleet, Republic armors can be found on the Republic fleet, and if players are looking to wear an outfit from the opposite faction of their character they can use a character on the correct faction and then send it over.
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Force Magister armor set.
Honored Champion's RobeHonored Master's VestmentsAnointed DemicotAnointed Zeyd-ClothConsular AdeptJedi SageDramassian Force Expert'sAdaptive Vendor Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
TD-17A ColossusBlade TyrantGrand InquisitorRD-07A VendettaRD-17A HellfireSaber MarshalSith AnnihilatorSith ArchonSupreme InquisitorTD-07A PantherTD-07A ScorpionTD-17A ImperatorTT-17A HydraBattlebornJedi MyrmidonJedi StormguardOmenbringerRD-07A SpiderRD-07A ViperRD-17A PhalanxTD-07A BlackguardTD-17A TalonVoidmasterAcolyteAcolyteInitiateInitiateScoutScoutTraineeTraineeMore Jedi Consular Armors
More Fancy Hat Armors
More Brown Armors
Outfit Database ID: 1346 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 1346