Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Omenbringer armor set, or may even be identical.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #armor channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.
Player Outfits
Players have submitted these mix-and-match outfits using pieces of the Omenbringer armor.
Adaptive Vendor Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
TD-17A ColossusBlade TyrantGrand InquisitorRD-07A VendettaRD-17A HellfireSaber MarshalSith AnnihilatorSith ArchonSupreme InquisitorTD-07A PantherTD-07A ScorpionTD-17A ImperatorTT-17A HydraBattlebornForce MagisterJedi MyrmidonJedi StormguardRD-07A SpiderRD-07A ViperRD-17A PhalanxTD-07A BlackguardTD-17A TalonVoidmasterAcolyteAcolyteInitiateInitiateScoutScoutTraineeTraineeMore Jedi Consular Armors
More Simple Jedi Robes Armors
More Brown Armors
Outfit Database ID: 1349 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 4990