Juggernaut's Renowned

Juggernaut's Renowned Armor Set

The Juggernaut's Renowned armor set is an expensive armor set bought from the Legacy Vendors on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas at Legacy Level 10. This set is wearable only by Imperial characters at any level on any Imperial class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear heavy armor in the normal equipment slots.

Buying the Juggernaut's Renowned Armor Set from the Legacy Vendor

The Juggernaut's Renowned Armor Set can be bought directly from the Legacy Vendor on Dromund Kaas by players who are Legacy Level 10 or higher. You can buy it on the correct faction then send it over to characters on the other faction.

The armor is bind to legacy, and as of update 7.1, no longer has a class requirement. It is moddable, but has old leftover light / medium / heavy requirements, so you may just want to use it in the Outfitter cosmetically rather than for your gear.

  • Head 150,000 Credits
  • Chest 150,000 Credits
  • Legs 100,000 Credits
  • Boots 100,000 Credits
  • Gloves 100,000 Credits
  • Belt 75,000 Credits
  • Bracers 75,000 Credits

Juggernaut's Renowned Armor Pieces

  • Juggernaut's Renowned Headgear
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Body Armor
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Greaves
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Boots
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Gauntlets
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Belt
  • Juggernaut's Renowned Bracers
Juggernaut's Renowned Body Armor
Juggernaut's Renowned Headgear
Juggernaut's Renowned Greaves
Juggernaut's Renowned Boots
Juggernaut's Renowned Gauntlets
Juggernaut's Renowned Belt