Victorious Infiltrator

Victorious Infiltrator Armor Set

The Victorious Infiltrator armor set is a PvP Seasons Vendor Ranked armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction at any level on any class.

How to Get PvP Seasons Vendor Ranked Armors

PvP Seasons are limited-time event that focus on Arenas and Warzones. Vendor rewards are available all the time, but tokens to buy them can only be earned during any active PvP Season. These armors used to be a part of Ranked PvP which no longer exists - but the armors have been added to the PvP Seasons vendor year-round.

Victorious Infiltrator Armor Pieces

  • Victorious Infiltrator [head]
  • Victorious Infiltrator [chest]
  • Victorious Infiltrator [legs]
  • Victorious Infiltrator [gloves]
  • Victorious Infiltrator [belt]
  • Victorious Infiltrator [bracers]
Victorious Infiltrator [gloves]
Victorious Infiltrator [belt]