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TOR Fashion was a website that also catalogued SWTOR armor, and was passed down to me. These are the images that were on the site for the Jolee Bindo set.
“Jolee Bindo was a male Human Jedi who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the Great Sith War. Having participated in several Rimward missions, Bindo fought against Exar Kun, and went into self-imposed exile on Kashyyyk soon afterwards. Near the close of the Jedi Civil War, he joined Revan against Darth Malak and was awarded the Cross of Glory for his part in the triumph of the Galactic Republic over the Sith Empire.” – Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jolee_Bindo
Head | |
Chest | Jolee Bindo’s Tunic |
Glove | |
Belt | |
Leg | Jolee Bindo’s Leggings |
Feet | Jolee Bindo’s Boots |
Wrist | Jolee Bindo’s Bracers |
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Outfit Database ID: 984 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 0 - Similar: 99999