Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Shae Vizla's armor set, or may even be identical.
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TOR Fashion was a website that also catalogued SWTOR armor, and was passed down to me. These are the images that were on the site for the Shae Vizla set.
Dark Purple and Deep Yellow
Head | Shae Vizla’s Helmet |
Chest | Shae Vizla’s Chestguard |
Hands | Shae Vizla’s Gloves |
Waist | Shae Vizla’s Belt |
Legs | Shae Vizla’s Greaves |
Feet | Shae Vizla’s Boots |
Wrists |
From Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shae_Vizla
Shae Vizla was a Human Mandalorian female who lived during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War that resulted from the peace established between the two warring factions, the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Working as a bounty hunter, Vizla was often employed by the Sith Empire, who made use of her martial skills when undertaking the most risk-intensive missions. Shae Vizla was part of the Imperial force charged with attacking the planet of Alderaan, and later launched a strike on a Republic political envoy. During the assault, Vizla’s brother was killed by the Jedi Master Aurei Eadon, and Vizla subsequently developed an intense hatred for the Jedi Order. When the Empire elected to mobilize an attack on the galactic capital world of Coruscant, Vizla was contracted to disable the planet’s defense grid, located within the Jedi Temple. In conjunction with a frontal assault by the Sith Lord Darth Malgus, Vizla infiltrated the Temple, proceeding to killseveral members of the Temple Security Force during the resultant battle between the assailing Sith warriors and the defending