Identical Armor Sets
These armors are extremely similar, or identical, to the Remnant Underworld Trooper armor set, but may be gotten different ways.
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Remnant Underworld Trooper armor set, or may even be identical.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-armor channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.

TOR Fashion was a website that also catalogued SWTOR armor, and was passed down to me. These are the images that were on the site for the Remnant Underworld Trooper set.
Player Outfits
Players have submitted these mix-and-match outfits using pieces of the Remnant Underworld Trooper armor.
Alliance Crates Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
More Alliance Crates ArmorsMore Trooper Armors
More Plated Leg Armor Armors
More Gray Armors
Outfit Database ID: 1323 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 1323 - Similar: 1323