Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic)

Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) Armor Set

The Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) armor set is a Armormech Archived Schematics from Trainer armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are a specific level or higher on any class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear heavy armor in the normal equipment slots.

How to Get Armormech Archived Schematics from Trainer Armors

The Armormech crew skill trainer can teach players how to craft many crafted armor sets as they level up in Armormech. However, these semi-retired crafted armor sets are no longer available to be learned from the Armormech trainer at the launch of the game 1.0 - they were removed from the trainer in Update 4.0, and replaced with a more streamlined set of Adaptive armor schematics to be learned from the trainer. However, if you can find someone who learned the old schematics from the trainer pre-4.0, they can craft you these items, as the crafted items are Binds on Equip. All of these items will require Light, Medium or Heavy armor to wear in your equiment, but anyone can use them in their Outfitter as long as they are the right level or higher. These armors swap appearances between Republic and Imperial side, like most crafted armors. I believe these items also had different versions of their names that no longer exist at all in the game, with different prefixes - the initial tier from the crew skills trainer had the same names as these items with a green-bordered icon, and when you reverse-engineered the item, you could get a version that started with the word Critical, Redoubt or Overkill, each with different stats attached and a blue-bordered icon - these seem to no longer exist. Then, you could reverse-engineer that blue item to learn a bunch more stronger purple-bordered versions with prefix names like Presence, Leadership, General, Commander, Tempest, Veracity, Rampart, Fervor, Exactitude, Hawkeye, Endowment, Anti-Armour, Exper, Supremacy, and Vehemence, as well as the word (Superior) at the end of the item. So a pair of Heavy Mobile Boots from the trainer could be RE'd to learn say Critical Heavy Mobile Boots, which could then be RE'd to learn Tempest Heavy Mobile Boots (Superior). In addition to all that, if you got a critical chance when crafting, your crafted armor would get an Augment Slot, and would gain a suffix of (Exceptional) for greens, (Advanced) for blues, and (Mastercraft) for purples, so you might have wound up with Tempest Heavy Mobile Boots (Superior) (Mastercraft). The naming conventions were not always consistent, no were the stats, and there was a lot of things broken with the reverse-engineering of items in general. In 4.0, with the Surge stats being removed, and all the classes using a unified Mastery stat, the developers wiped the crafting slate clean and replaced the crafting list with what we have now - but anyone who has the old green schematics can still craft them, likely from their Archive tab. In addition to all this, there was also potentially the option of crafting orange-bordered moddable versions of these armors, which was important at the time due to not having the outfitter system, so you may find very old copies that have an orange border if a very old crafter is selling their stash - but this is especially rare, as there was a lot of bugs related to the reverse-engineering crafting system at the time, especially around Update 1.2.

Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) Armor Pieces

  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [headpiece]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [chestpiece]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [legs]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [boots]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [gloves]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [belt]
  • Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [bracers]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [chestpiece]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [headpiece]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [legs]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [boots]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [gloves]
Powered Biorestorative / Powered Ultramesh (Republic) [belt]