War Hero Field Tech (Rated)

War Hero Field Tech (Rated) Armor Set

The War Hero Field Tech (Rated) armor set crafting schematic could be earned by players in previous expansions. This crafted armor set can occasionally be found on the GTN being sold by veteran players who have the schematic. War Hero armors often have color issues, especially on the character select screen and on undyed Outfitter tab outfits, appearing black instead of their original color. This set is wearable only by Republic characters, who are level 50 or higher on any Republic class.

How to Get Archived War Hero Schematics Armors

War Hero schematics are no longer earnable ingame, but many players earned the schematics in the past and sell Battlemaster armor sets on the GTN or are willing to craft them for other players. If you see a set you like, first check the GTN. If it's not available there, you will need to find a Veteran crafted who earned the schematic through PvP in earlier years of the game. War Hero armor pieces often have a Valor requirement. Valor is earned through PvP matches.


This armor set changes appearance when it is transferred Imperial-side. It keeps the same name, but will take the appearance of a set for the mirror-class of this set.

War Hero Field Tech (Rated) Armor Pieces

  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [headpiece]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [chestpiece]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [legs]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [boots]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [gloves]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [belt]
  • War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [bracers]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [chestpiece]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [headpiece]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [legs]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [boots]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [gloves]
War Hero Field Tech (Rated) [belt]