Low-level class-specific armor: Empire Tatooine Quests as a Bounty Hunter, regardless of your Combat Style (Vanguard / Powertech / Commando / Mercenary)
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Empire Required pre-cursor - Masters of the Desert Machines on Tatooine
Tatooine Wrist: Empire - Journey into Dust on Tatooine
Tatooine Gloves:
Tatooine Boots: Empire - The Ghosts of the Desert on Tatooine
Tatooine Headpiece:
Tatooine Belt: Empire - The Thing Czerka Found on Tatooine
Empire Required pre-cursor - From Sand to Steel on Tatooine
Tatooine Mainhand Weapon: Empire - Test of the Clan on Tatooine
Tatooine Headpiece: Empire - Desert Conquest on Tatooine
Empire Required pre-cursor - Call Down the Thunder on Tatooine
Tatooine Gloves: Empire - Three Strikes on Tatooine
Tatooine Legs: Empire (Bounty Hunter) - Confronting Veeboo on Tatooine
Tatooine Chestpiece: Empire (Bounty Hunter) - A Barter with the Lady of Pain on Tatooine
Tatooine Mainhand Weapon: Empire (Bounty Hunter) - Catching A Slippery Eel on Tatooine
* If a class is missing, it may be because we have not catalogued its rewards yet. You likely can still get the pieces by running the class quest for this planet.
Alternative Stats Armor Sets
This armor set has multiple versions that are visually identical and are gotten the exact same way, the only difference is their names and the stats that are attached to them - for example, one set might be better for a healer or tank, but they all look the same. Also Known As: Tatoonian Bounty Hunter - Tatoonian Battler / Tatoonian Healer / Tatoonian Protector

Identical Armor Sets
These armors are extremely similar, or identical, to the Tatooinian Bounty Hunter - Tatoonian Battler / Healer / Protector armor set, but may be gotten different ways.
Similar Armor Sets
These armors have a very similar shape to the Tatooinian Bounty Hunter - Tatoonian Battler / Healer / Protector armor set, or may even be identical.
Have a suggestion or correction? Go to the Swtorista Website Discord and post your report in the #report-armor channel. You will need to make a free Discord account.
No players have submitted any mix-and-match outfits using this armor set yet.
Low Level Quest Rewards Legacy Of The Sith Armors
These armors are obtained in similar ways.
More Low Level Quest Rewards Legacy Of The Sith ArmorsMore Bounty Hunter Armors
Outfit Database ID: 6602 - Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - Opposite: 0 - Identical: 2423 - Similar: 1509