Supplicant (Jedi Consular Starter Set)

Supplicant (Jedi Consular Starter Set) Armor Set

The Supplicant (Jedi Consular Starter Set) is the Starter Set at Level 1 for the Jedi Consular. There is no other way to get it.

This set is wearable only by Republic characters at any level, but is only wearable by Jedi Consulars*, even in the Outfitter tab.

How to Get Starter Sets Armors

Starter sets are what new level 1 characters start the game wearing. You only get one copy, so don't throw it away if you like the look. They are Bind on Pickup.


This armor set changes appearance when it is transferred Imperial-side. It keeps the same name, but will take the appearance of a set for the mirror-class of this set.

Supplicant (Jedi Consular Starter Set) Armor Pieces

  • Supplicant's Tunic
  • Supplicant's Lower Robe
  • Supplicant's Sandals
Supplicant's Tunic
Supplicant's Lower Robe
Supplicant's Sandals