[Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard (Republic) Armor Set armor thumbnail.

[Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard (Republic) Armor Set

The [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard (Republic) armor set is a Pristine World Drops And Crafted armor set that players can get in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable only by Republic characters, who are level 53 or higher on any Republic class in the Outfitter tab but is restricted to characters that can wear heavy armor in the normal equipment slots.

How to Get Pristine World Drops And Crafted Armors

Crafting in Update 2.0 Rise of the Hutt Cartel introduced a slew of full crafted armor set schematics known as Pristine armor. There were blue-bordered schematic items you could find, which would allow you to craft Binds on Equip blue versions of some of the items of the set, but not all - the schematics only exist for the Headgear and Legs. Then there were also orange-bordered versions of some, but not all of the items, some of which were Binds on Pickup while others were Binds on Equip. I am assuming those were dropped in the open world or quest rewards. Then, there was also [Artifact] purple-bordered versions of these sets for each piece, which most, but not all of, were Binds on Equip and a few Binds on Pickup. They seemed to migrate from a General PvE Vendor to Oricon rewards that are now retired to now random drops. There were also some schematic items for these purple-bordered [Artifact] versions, but not ever once had a matching schmeatic - only the Belts and Bracers. I believe the [Artifact] Binds on Equip versions of these apparently still drop here and there, from place like World Bosses, and may be the only way to get some of the chestpieces, as many of them are Binds on Pickup and can't be crafted at all. Because the pieces are all so varied, and the Heroics no longer reward some of the items, it may be difficult or impossible to find or assemble a full set of these.


This armor set changes appearance when it is transferred Imperial-side. It keeps the same name, but will take the appearance of a set for the mirror-class of this set.

[Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard (Republic) Armor Pieces

  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [headpiece]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [chestpieces]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [legs]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [boots]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [gloves]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [belt]
  • [Artifact] RD-31A Master Striker / TH-31A Elite War Medic / TT-31A Elite Vanguard [bracers]