
Sha'tek Armor Set

This armor set used to be common in Update 6.0 but is now in a strange spot to get. The Sha'tek armor can come in the World Boss Equipment Crates that drop from levels 75-79. I have also seen pieces come from the Spoils of War randomized vendor at level 80 but not with any type of rhyme or reason.

Sha'tek Armor Pieces

  • Sha'tek [headpiece]
  • Sha'tek [chestpieces]
  • Sha'tek [legs]
  • Sha'tek [boots]
  • Sha'tek [gloves]
  • Sha'tek [belt]
  • Sha'tek [bracers]
Sha'tek [chestpieces]
Sha'tek [headpiece]
Sha'tek [legs]
Sha'tek [boots]
Sha'tek [gloves]
Sha'tek [belt]